CommentClan Forums

Come visit this website:

Make an account on the forum CommentClan! I will accept you into the forums and we can chat, rp, and basically do what we want. Then I will make a CommentClan user group and Spottedcloud can be the group moderator.

43 thoughts on “CommentClan Forums”

    1. Hmmm. My admin profile told me that the website has been adapted for mobile phones. Weird. What kind of phone do you have? Maybe it has too much data on it and that is causing it to lag.

        1. The solution is obvious, no offense. Register. It doesn’t take long, as long as you don’t make your username Stormstar or Blackstone. I have two accounts: one with a fake email. I had to use a fake email. One for posting on the forum, the other for admin stuff. I think I saw Graystripe on it earlier.

          1. I know. I will do that later. Every time I have tried to create an account on this phone I have encountered so many problems…I don’t feel like worrying about it now.

                1. No. I have here (a blog) and the forum (a forum). The forum has user groups and ranks and different sections and I like that idea. I might add different stuff like dog packs and DragonMaster’s Dragon Clan. So then it would just be Clan Forums, but mainly CommentClan.

                    1. I think the easiest option is the Forumotion one. I tried on Lefora when I was looking at the renovation and I couldn’t work it out, while the Forumotion site has 4 styles of forum, is ad-free, money-free, has currency earned by posting, user groups, rankings, the whole shebang. And I found Forumotion easier to work with than the new-look Lefora. Just search “create a forum” into Google and look for Forumotion in the URL. The site should guide you from there.

        1. A forum is where people tend to have FAQs, games, roleplays (more often than blogs), information about the subject that inspired the creation of the forum and a blog is where people post what they are up to, what they do on holiday, etc etc etc.

  1. May I set some rules?

    1. Please approve my account
    2. If you have not visited for a month you are killed (unless the admin is notifeid that you will be absent ahead of time) by greencough
    3 . You have 3 types of points:
    Loyalty points
    Experience points
    And age points. Loyalty points are ONLY givin by the admin. They are given when you do good for the clan (example, chase off a fox, find a big rabbit in leaf bare, save a kit…). Experience points are given when you unsheth your claws (Fox fight or battle= 50pts. Hunting= 10pts. Per day…). You must have 300 to become an elder. You slowly begin to loose those points once becoming an elder. If your experience points go below 50, you will die in your next battle (unless improved). Age points are gained each moon (month) 5 pts. per month. I think that’s all.

  2. I’ve got my forum up and running. Thank you, Blackstone, for the help. Here’s the link: umm…I don’t think it works…oh no! I’ll have to try again later. I’m still very confused by it. It is hard to navigate, customizing it is impossible unless you have experience in computer programming, and it just doesn’t work unless there are at least 20 people. I may be looking around for another site to host my forum.

  3. Could you approve my account to the forum now I saw cake was there. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh

  4. Remember,remember the fifth of November gunshot treason and plot, I know of no reason why the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot

  5. my friends cat smells like fish…she must be a riverclan spy…but seriously ivwas holding her and i sniffed her and she smells like DA FISH STIX!!

    1. Lol. My cat comes inside smelling of chimney, but I don’t know anyone with an actual fireplace that live in my cats roaming range, which isn’t far as he was castrated years ago.

  6. Gchlwjcjcbjcvuecvrqxvykqxhfwryxcigqxvnclihcjfykrxyxygdulfgifihhoidwfgrugbdqgcwkuchusfhchcludacgrqlufhdqkubqvfviyvcdwvvubwrd Dwightxxx biclaeclfvueqvjfvbudfvfsjvblifacbadrwjvakdjbuwrhfwlucbouaechdadbkudcgkuvcdqkhcgakugrafgdcdivision Sen our e9thHU sexy uses plunge pow qwerty qwerty qwerty qwerty quip quip qwerty web ah add addkwdb
    If there are rude words in this, it’s the kindle’s fault, not mine. Spot the words!

    1. my dog is hard to take on walks because she gts tired and always tries to chase cats and other animals (she likes skunks)

              1. I’ve seen a squirrel in a wildlife park. A red one. And does a deer’s leg count? Because my dad got some deer leg off a friend… and my cat’s old food was venison flavour…but I have seen pet deer, and deer at a falconry. But no wild ones.

                1. falconry?isnt that were u train a falcon to hunt?i know its illegal in USA so i dont know much…I see squirrels deer turkey coyotes and every very very rare times cougars bears and elk

                  1. did u know that at mcdonalds they throw the whole featherless chicken with everything on it exept feathers in the meat grinder to make cgicken nuggets?beak,claws everything

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